Medline-gelistete Letters nach der Habilitation (*Erst- oder Letztautor)
Klauser AS, Bollow M. Comment on: Ultrasound-guidet sacroiliac joint injection in patients with established sacroiliitis: precise IA injection verified by MRT scanning does not predict clinical outcome. Rheumatology Advance Access published April 13, 2012
* Hermann KG, Eshed I, Bollow M. Letters to editor: Fortschr Röntgenstr 2006; 178:1157-1159
* Hermann KG, Backhaus M, Schink T, Hamm B, Bollow M. Letters to editor: Ultrasonography of the shoulder in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: comment on the article by Hermann et al. Reply to the editor. Arthritis Rheum 2004; 50: 3054-3056
*Hermann KG, Bollow M. Letters to editor: Arthritis Rheum 2004;50: 3054-3056